CHEW GUM is an adult animated musical series created by Shane Curry (Animator on She-Ra, Timing Supervisor on American Dad!), based on two best friends who start a band with grand delusions.



Joined on 4/19/23

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chewgumseries's News

Posted by chewgumseries - May 29th, 2023

ALRIGHT! Kickstarter is half over, but we're not down and out yet! I've got some of the basic mechanics ready, it'll be a very simple game. I imagine it as like 20-30 minutes of gameplay, with some cut scenes and voice acting and of course a musical performance at the end! I don't see why it won't be done before the kickstarter is over so I'll be able to get Beta access/feedback from backers before I make it public for everyone else to play! And of course not everyone will be able to/wants to play so I'll make a CHEW GUM PLAYS CHEW GUM video lol. 

Support the Kickstarter: www.tinyurl.com/chewgumseries



Posted by chewgumseries - May 6th, 2023



CHEW GUM are in a band! What’s the name of that band? UH.... WELL... They keep changing it. Every week. So soon I’m gonna make a short cartoon of them at different venues showcasing a bunch of their defunct, discarded band names! I’m making a list of silly/absurd band names and I’m taking suggestions. Your band name will be credited to you at the end of the cartoon! This is all purely for fun/backstory, but your band name will still be canon! To add your band name to the list, either share/repost this with the hashtag #chewgumseries OR draw fan art and add the name of the band to the drawing! And then fill out the google form with both the band name, a way to tag you, and how you want to be credited at the end of the cartoon! You will be associated with the band name you pick, so...




Posted by chewgumseries - May 1st, 2023

The KICKSTARTER for the New Musical Series is LIVE! I haven’t gone to bed yet and it’s almost night time again so I’m gonna pass out but if you’re reading this, thank you. Even if it fails I’m so happy this exists and it’s literally BECAUSE of the people on instagram who watched my old cartoons and made me think maybe I should try one more time. I’m really glad I did. Thank you so so so much. MAN THIS IS SO MUCH WORK zzZzzZzzZ😪🥰❤️ I love you.




Posted by chewgumseries - April 30th, 2023


NEW EPISODE + SONG + KICKSTARTER LAUNCH TOMORROW! this is it. The beginning of the beginning! Or the beginning of the end. It’s taken an absurd amount of work just to get to this point and I’m exhausted but grateful for everyone who’s been following along. None of these cartoons or songs would exist if people here hadn’t taken an interest in my old work and inspired me to try again. I got very lucky. The new episode will be hosted on the Kickstarter page but you won’t have to be a supporter to see it! www.tinyurl.com/chewgumseries



Posted by chewgumseries - April 23rd, 2023


Free songs and cartoons download! Here's a sample of what backers will get from our Kickstarter! The "Overture Kit" contains everything that was created before the Kickstarter launched: Two Trash Cans and Better In My Head MP3s and WAVs! 1080p version of the rendered cartoons! No watermarks or DRM or anything weird. We even included the video cover images! Re-Upload them and claim them as your own work! Tell your family you’ve become an animator! Live your life as a lie! Keep up the ruse by supporting the Kickstarter and continuing to get access to all the raw materials needed to impersonate me! Who’s going to stop you? Me? I’m not even real YOU’RE ME NOW! 


We’re trying to find a good way to get people access to download cartoons/songs/etc forever, as freely as possible, gumroad forces you to “charge” a dollar for any files bigger than 25MB and we got around it by adding a “discount code” to make it free! Everything I make before the Kickstarter will be free, and then during the Kickstarter it’ll be Backers Only and then if the Kickstarter fails I will play the new zelda.

Kickstarter launching on May 1st for the New Series here: www.tinyurl.com/chewgumseries



Posted by chewgumseries - April 20th, 2023

Follow our upcoming Kickstarter that is launching May 1st http://tinyurl.com/chewgumseries for our indie animation. I read online that you should aim for 1000 followers and we currently only have 55.


CHEW GUM is an adult animated musical series created by Shane Curry (Animator on She-Ra, Timing Supervisor on American Dad!), based on two best friends who start a band with grand delusions. The music they hear in their heads never translates to their hands. The series draws influences from shows like Sifl and Olly, Home Movies, Flight of the Conchords, Venture Bros and Moral Orel. Really popular shows. It's a Musical Comedy that ratchets you up through the euphoric Musical Highs of "Following your Dreams", then drops you straight down into the Head-Decapitating Summit of Accepting Reality. 

One "Season" will consist of 10-20 short episodes (ranging from 0:45 to 2:00 in length) and will contain 1-3 micro songs.
